Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Concerts and Fish

Yesterday was Lindsey's birthday. and to pass her time, she took more pictures of herself on my computer. Because they are brilliant, I am including some.

Yesterday was also a Shane and Shane concert at CBU. I love Shane and Shane, as I know many others do. Last night was refreshing and wonderful. Its one thing to worship God with people you love, but even more amazing to do it next to the man you love. (we also had fun taking crazy pictures!)

Anyways, Shane Barnard and Shane Everret also support an organization called World Vision ( Please, check it out if you haven't before. Last night after the concert, Kendall and I got a child together. That's right, I officially have a black little baby like I have always wanted. Except, she's not actually a baby, she's 10 yrs. old. Her name is As Me, and she lives in Zimbabwe. It's also refreshing to be a part of something so much more important than the normal day to day "stuff", you know what I mean?
I was teaching fourth graders yesterday. During Bible class time, I read a story regarding fishermen and Jesus. Towards the end of the story, I read about the time Jesus told Simon (Peter) to go catch a fish, cut it open, and he would find money inside with which to pay a tax, After I read it, I thought, "hmm, that's strange." I couldn't, for the life of me, remember reading such a verse. So I looked it up, and lo and behold, it's in there. So I say, read Matthew 17:24-27. Now whenever I hear people say money doesn't grow on trees, I'll respond with, "yeah, but it comes out of fishes' mouths!!!"

Monday, February 05, 2007

Let the Good Times Roll

So, it has been a week since I have officially been a resident in my new apt. The other day, my roommate Lindsey and I passed the time by playing with my new laptop computer. I have this fancy little contraption called "Photo Booth" which allows me to take the most ridiculous pictures. I thought I would share some with you!